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“Never help a child with a task at which he feels he can succeed.” - Maria Montessori

OUR MORNINGS   9:15am - 12:15pm


The children arrive at 9.15am



Circle Time Welcome Songs.

We start every morning with a circle where we sing good morning to each other and a different child gets the job each day to shake hands with each child and ask then how they feel. The children stick their pictures up on the emotions chart and they might have a little story about why they feel good or feel sad. We also introduce any new themes and allow the children to share ideas their thoughts and ideas.



Child led exploration of their classroom: children chat and play together and settle down to their favourite activities in the classroom. We have 5 main areas of activity.


1. The Montessori: where they are free to take whatever they want off the shelves, from jigsaws to Montessori materials to reading a book in the book corner.

2. Construction: Children love to build and we provide many different materials to satisfy that need!!

3. Pretend play area: providing a lot of real and pretend materials to let children do what they do best, play kitchens, shop, builder, dolls and doll house, and hair dressers etc!

4. Sensory and Art room: a room for sensory play and art, both of which are so important in the development of young children and in supporting emotional regulation.

5. Outdoors area: the children love to come and go into the outdoor space where we have a sandpit, climbing frame and slide, mud-kitchen, waterplay area, gravel pit, digging and planting.


We are here to introduce them to new materials and activities and guide them in their learning and observe them as they play. Themes can be woven in to through these activities. This time provides a great opportunity for supported social and emotional as well as language development.



Circle time 

This is the children's favourite time for singing songs, share news and playing group games. We learn new songs about any themes we are doing, for example the solar system.


Dance/musical movement/yoga/group dress up/parachute/Simon Says/group games...


A different child gets the job of choosing the activity every day!



Our Job time:

We rotate the jobs everyday which include feeding the goldfish and stick insects and watering the plants, cleaning tables and sweeping up... the favourite job is definitely  giving out the lunch!


11.15- 11.35am    Lunch time

We sit and eat lunch together and if the weather is nice we have a picnic in the garden.


11.35-12.00pm    Outdoor playtime: 

They love playtime outside! Lots of outdoor activities including a climbing area, slide, sandpit, water play, tennis, badminton, cars, trains, bubbles etc. We also big into nature and planting. We harvest sunflower seeds in the Autumn and save the seeds for replanting in the Spring. It is a great way for children to experience the full life cycle of a plant.


12.00-12.15pm   Story time.

We finish our morning with story time.


   Home time

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